Wednesday, September 19, 2012

As the deer panteth for the water ...

Just had to share a wonderful post from my son's Facebook page:

Josiah Wright updated his status: ""As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee . . . " In a weird kind of way, I think that many times this very longing is the kind of thing we long after. We feel empty and unfulfilled, so we go searching for something to search after; or we know that we ought to be seeking the Lord, and thus, we seek to seek Him. If I'm truly honest, sometimes I feel more like praying for the desire than for the Object of that desire. Yet always, like the fiercely majestic, transcendent yet violently, world-shakingly, personally immanent Hound of Heaven that He is, God seeks after me instead. What a glorious, absurd story He tells with our lives!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Walk Thru the Bible

Wow!  We just finished learning all of the signs for Walk Thru the Bible - New Testament.  My youngest son, Zechariah, and both of my sons who have Down syndrome, Benjamin and Gabriel, learned all of the signs and love practicing and showing off what they know.  Not only can they do all 77 signs of the Old Testament, and all 77 signs of the New Testament, but they actually are beginning to understand some of the events and how they fit together.  It's very exciting!!  Woo-hooo!