Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cedars of Lebanon

When we moved to North Carolina and had to choose a name for our homeschool, my husband and I chose to call it Cedars of Lebanon.  Why name our homeschool after a tree?  The Cedars of Lebanon have been prized for centuries for their excellent, strong wood.  Palaces and temples throughout the ancient world, including the Temple of Solomon, were made from these lovely trees.  Not only is the wood very tough and durable, but the cedars grow unusually straight, making them ideal for building.  They have a lovely aroma that is released in their forests and when cut down for use.  The Cedars of Lebanon also have amazingly deep roots, often growing several feet deep for every foot of the trunk.  This allows them to survive long droughts that kill lesser trees.  In addition, Cedars of Lebanon can release a remarkable acid from their roots that breaks up any obstacles that stand in the way of their growth; these lovely trees often break even heavy boulders.

Aren’t these the same things we want for our children as we homeschool them?  We want them to be strong in their learning, in their faith, in their character, and in their love for God and others.  We want them to grow straight, staying true to the path that Christ prepares for them.  We want their lives to be a sweet aroma to others and to God.  We want their roots to go deep as they surrender their wills and lives to the love and grace of Christ.  Roots that are firmly planted in Him will not soon be led astray by the whims of the world.  We want their knowledge of God’s Word and His world to make them effective warriors for Him, knocking apart all obstacles through faith in Christ and the workings of the Holy Spirit.  We hope to teach our children much academically, and that is very important.  But it is so much more important that our faith is contagious, that our love runs deep, and that we lead them to the Living Waters that alone can quench their thirst.  We want to raise our children to be adults who are useful to God and who love Him with their whole hearts and their whole lives.  With God’s help, we want to raise our children to be like the glorious Cedars of Lebanon!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. Thank you for your courage of being good stewards to 5 children with DS. May the Lord strengthen you and your husband as you parent them.

    I homeschool my 3 children too. My youngest has DS but God has been blessing us lots in spite of trying times. May I share my blog with you

