Thursday, January 24, 2013


My husband and I just watched the first two episodes of a TV show, Touch.  Now we turned our satellite off years ago (which in our rural neck of the woods means no TV), so we didn't know this was a hit show sweeping the globe.  But a day late and a dollar short, we stumbled on this series on Netflix and thought it looked interesting.  The theme has me reflecting on a very important spiritual truth.  In Touch, Keifer Sutherland plays the dad of an autistic son who sees the interconnections of disparate people all around the globe.  The son, Jake, can see the past, present and future, and how everything ties together - through numbers and patterns.  Only problem is that he does not speak.  So his dad has to figure out the clues Jake leaves him through numbers, thus helping different people along the way.  It's a very clever theme, and extremely well done.

But think for a moment about how this theme ties in with God's interactions in our lives.  Granted I'm pretty sure He doesn't show the future to anyone, not even a very cute boy with autism.  But God certainly knows the past, present and future, and how they all tie together.  He sees the intricate connections between people, and often brings people into our paths at just the right moment to meet an immediate need.  I am so often humbled by seeing how a decision that someone made years ago, can impact a situation today.  So, while the show is very interesting and intellectually stimulating, I found the symbolism decidedly encouraging.  It reminded me of something that we all know, but too often forget; that God is intimately involved in our lives, moving things hither, dither and yon for our best good, and His glory!

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